Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sunshine Award!

Hi all!

Hope you're enjoying your day and maybe getting a little crocheting in (mayby?). I had the day off today and didn't get much crocheting done but we did do groceries, work in the garden and I worked out, so it was a good day!

Anyways, I just found out that Samantha at Moody Mama nominated me, little old me, for a Sunshine Award! I am so honored. If you haven't already checked out her blog you must head on over there!

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them.
2. Tell us something about yourself.
3. Nominate 10 other bloggers.
4. Let them know you awarded them!

A little about me, eh?

Well if you didn't already know this, I'm Canadian (hence the eh above). I love to crochet, listen to classic rock, and read. I hate cleaning! Family is really important to me and I try to teach my son to respect himself and other. I work at a youth cafe and love it. I dream about a time when I can own a wool shop on a family farm, and crochet all day....here's to hoping!

Who I nominate!

1. Adaiha at thing to make and do
2. Susan (my cousin!) at Polliwogs in Bloom
3. Alice at Crochet with Raymond
4. Lucy at Attic24
5. Sarah at sarahndipities
6. Dawn at sew ritzy~ritzy
7. Holly (my dearest friend)at one woman, one year, one world
8. Sam (my crafty buddy) at Enjoy the Simple Things
9. Becky (my coolest Alliston Friend) at Becky's Photography
10. Nick and Cindy (my in law brother and soon to be sister in law) at Check the Fridge

These are some of the blogs and peoples that bring me joy! Check out their blogs and spread the love!


  1. :-) Thanks for nominating Nick and I!

  2. Crochet with RaymondJune 15, 2011 at 1:03 AM

    thank you! I always feel very lucky to be nominated for these awards, Raymond too!!!
    Wishing you a lovely week!

  3. Woo hoo! How cool is this!?

    Thank you so much, Melissa!


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